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Writer's pictureVictoria Hilbrecht

Painting portraits with handmade watercolors - step by step

Updated: Apr 30

I have painted a few portraits with my handmade watercolors and would like to present you today the wonderful results. I also want to show you how I painted step by step and what colors I used.

Handgemachte Aquarellfarben

I told in my last blog about ideas for homemade decorations and of course you can also paint with my colors aesthetic portraits. Look at what I did and what came out.

„You have never painted a portrait? That's no problem - here I'll show you how to turn your portrait from a white sheet into a great result.”

I will now show you how I painted the following picture.

Handgemachte Aquarellfarben

Preparation: pencil, highlight pen, paper, eraser, brush, watercolors, color palette, water.

1. Pre-sketch your portrait with a pencil. Try to sketch as fine and detailed as possible, this will be very important for coloring later. Take your time with this step and correct places you are not satisfied with.

2. With my color VH1005 Cadmium Orange, I now color the woman's face in a subtle skin tone. The color should be very light, so I use a lot of water accordingly.

3. Further I use VH1005 Cadmium Orange to paint the shades on the skin, the color should be a bit darker for this, so I use less water.

4. I now color the hair with the color VH7004 Fawn, later for the light contrast area of the hair.

5. Now I paint the clothes. I used VH6001 Gold Ochre to color the clothes and then painted some shades with VH4005 Ultramarine Blue. You can use your favorite colors for this, of course. Then I wait until everything is dry.

6. Now I paint the eyes, eyebrows and hair with the colors VH7004 Fawn and VH8002 Oxide Black. I make sure to paint some details in the hair.

7. Now I color the eyes, eyebrows and hair with fine details using the color VH8002 oxide black. The brush should be very pointed so that fine details can be painted.

8. The lips can be painted very well with the color VH2002 Scarlet or VH2003 True Red.

9. I redraw the lines with the color VH8002 oxide black. You can also trace them again more strongly with a pencil.

10. In the end, I use a white highlight pen for the eyes, nose and lips to give my lady more life with small highlights.

Handgemachte Aquarellfarben

So you create your own portrait picture with watercolors. Therefore, try to pre-draw nice sketches with a pencil, always start with light colors first and use darker colors later, because the watercolors are mostly transparent and use a pointed brush to refine details.

Handgemachte Aquarellfarben

Handgemachte Aquarellfarben

Handgemachte Aquarellfarben

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, with the above tips you can paint a wonderful portrait with watercolors. As a gift idea, for practice or as a real hobby - try it directly!


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